Hoofbeats carry the latest news to your mailbox. Delivered by the magical and trusty digitalpostal service. A letter might contain:

  • art tips straight from my desk
  • updates on sales, publications and exhibitions
  • first to know if I`m open for comissions
  • picturebook reviews
  • news
  • stories about life with horses


APRIL 2024

- finding a muze: Ciorlionis

- finding a muze: Shetland ponies

- Horse Brithday cake recipe

MARCH 2024

- finding my style

- pre sale of eight studies

- making of 'reincarnation'


- my recent artworks

- what paper is great for art

- the red turtle


- three new things I`ve tried

- tips on colours and art materials

- plans and exhibitons

- earfloof


- workproces on art work "Diving in"

- picture book review on illustrator Mark Janssen

- two exclusive news updates

- the paper that improved my sketches


- workproces on art work "autumnal"

- picture book review on illustrator Carll Cneut 

- inktober

- saying farewell to my old horse Blizz

For you

The newsletter is just for everyone really. I mean, you are on my website so you must have some interest in me as an artist, illustrator or human being, trying to release her inner viking in a modern hectic world where horses bring calm and solace and are the best companions for adventuring. Right?

For horse lovers

You have the virus, just like me. You just love horses and will take on any oppurtunity to read more about, training, caring and living with horses. Whether you`re a horse owner or just want to find out what my thoughts are about these magical beings. Each newsletter will have a thought from Signe`s mind concerning horses.


FOR  creatives

For fellow artists who don`t mind reading about how I do stuff.  Take sneaky peekies in my sketchbook and  tips&tricks to inspire your creative sessions. No matter what "level" you consider yourself to be at. Just pick up that pencil, brush or other tool.